As a member of JCI St. Paul, you are committed to leadership excellence. You joined the organization to make an investment in yourself and your professional development. You care about moving ahead, your community, and a variety of other issues. You care about becoming an excellent leader. There are many qualities involved in becoming an effective leader. Some of the core ingredients for effective leadership are listed here.

Communication Skills

Good communication skills are vital for any position. It is through effective listening and clear communication that things get done. Communication can make or break a relationship, and, when it comes to leadership, relationships are key. It is not about schmoozing or placating. Effective leadership is about truly listening to others and communicating clearly those ideas, plans and concepts you want to get across.

Trust and Integrity

Trust and integrity are fundamental. If you want others to follow you loyally, you must show you are a person who can be trusted. It takes time for trust to build, and you need to show integrity in all situations. There is a lot that goes into building trust, and unfortunately, it can be lost easily. If you have integrity, it will be less likely that you will lose trust.

Learn to Delegate

Be willing to let go and delegate. Effective leaders pay attention. They know the strengths and weaknesses of those who follow them as well as their own. These leaders are able to delegate as much as possible to those they can depend on to get the job done. When it comes to their own weaknesses, effective leaders are not afraid to delegate jobs in those areas to other who have the strength or expertise to deliver results. Be willing to learn from others; it can only help you in the long run.

Conflict Resolution

Hone your conflict resolution skills. Anytime you deal with human beings, at some point, you are likely to encounter conflict. If you want to be a highly effective leader, you will understand conflict and know how to diffuse it successfully. Understand that sometimes the resolution to a problem is to agree to disagree.


If you truly desire to be the best leader you can be, you will need to learn to take care of your own needs. This means prioritizing your to-do lists – especially around work and home. What good is it to work yourself into illness or alienation from those you love? Self-care is not often mentioned as a trait of effective leadership; however, it is vital. Take time out for yourself and those you love. This is how you recharge and replenish the energy you use in your position of leadership. 

Your membership in the St. Paul, MN, Chapter of JCI is a sign you value effective leadership. It also means you are willing to go the extra steps to invest in yourself and your professional development.