As I look back on 2016 I am astounded at all that we have accomplished as a chapter. We have hosted nearly 60 events, raised over $15,000 and donated over $16,000 in monetary donations plus the countless item donations like books, school supplies, hygiene products, food items and more. We rebranded to more officially align with our international affiliate and become JCI St Paul, put on our first annual signature event and won awards from the state organization but overall had a great time getting to know one another and making a positive impact on our city and the people in it. I could not be more proud to have been a part of it.

The most important thing I learned from this crazy, whirlwind year is that you truly have to depend on and trust others to help you achieve your goals. Luckily, I surrounded myself with great people on my board who have stepped up and really made things happen and with fantastic past presidents who are always willing to listen and advise. But even so, I have had to learn, sometimes the hard way that you cannot do everything yourself, that when you count on others to help, the end product becomes all the better because you are sharing in the triumphs and overcoming obstacles together. I found myself under a pile of things to do many times, but several people reminded me to ask for help. It’s so true! People are willing to help and take on tasks, you just have to ask. So don’t let yourself drown in the task overload, there are always people willing to share the burden and get things done but they may not know you need help until you ask! So while it may seem overwhelming, many hands can make light work and it’s a lot less lonely with people there beside you.

Thank you to everyone who helped make this year a great one, I look forward to 2017!

Author: 89th President Jenna Huntley